Certificate of analysis is an important component of your manufacturing process and your continuous improvement efforts. Quality Window 6 is an excellent tool for the collection and monitoring of manufacturing data based on specifications and is a key component for creating a Certificate of Analysis for your process. QW6 is the auditing tool that helps to ensure results meet customer’s expectations and convey your results to your customer. Typically this is done through the use of a Certificate of Analysis document (COA).
QW6 provides a couple of ways to produce a COA based on the data that has been collected that can be sent to a customer via e-mail.
Get started creating your certificate of analysis
The first method involves using the Views option in QW6 to select the data required and then producing the COA using a Script (Macro) and HTML template that is customized to meet your report requirements. This is explained in detail in the following article: Creating a Certificate of Analysis (COA) with QW6.
Busitech can provide support for custom scripts for your application, if you need specific functionality.
A second method for creating your own COA
The second method, that is less technical, involves defining your COA’s directly in MS Word or MS Excel.
Here is a link describing this method and typically does not require any consulting time from Busitech to accomplish it. Creating COA’s using MS Word and Excel
Should you need help in creating custom reports, like the certificate of analysis, or any report for that matter, simply contact Busitech Support, and we can provide you with a quotation to accomplish your goal.
Creating Certificates of Analysis is just the tip of the iceberg for what QW6 can do for your Statistical Process Control (SPC), your Statistical Quality Control (SQC) or your Continuous Improvement efforts. Check out our Sample Applications Tutorials for ideas for applications like Process Monitoring, Event Tracking, or Downtown Management.