Popups are collections of related data that provide lists of predefined combinations for faster data entry.
Popups also eliminate variations in spelling, making analysis that much easier.
Popups can be single level or multi-level, depending on the application.
Single Level Popups
A single level Popup is used to display a list of possible answers. The following Team Popup is an example of a single level Popup. The two digit Popup Level (10, 20, 30,…) is followed by the Popup data.
From this type of Popup Selection file the user would the Team by pointing to the Popup Field information and pressing <Enter>. Once the <Enter> key is pressed the user is moved to the next field in the Add or Edit screen.
Multi-level Popups
A multi-level Popup Selection File is one which has a number of levels or related lists of selections associated with it. The selection you make from the first level controls what you see at the second level and what you select on the second level controls what you see on the third level and so on up to a maximum of 9 levels.
A Multi-level Popup example
In this example we will create the number of levels or dependent selection lists necessary to fully record a failure in a machine downtime application.
The first step is to separate the machine into major Areas.
- 10 – Mixers
- 20 – Injectors
- 30 – Conveyors
- 40 – Oven
- 99 – Other
The next step is to break down all the possible Reasons for downtime for each of the major components listed above.Lets use 30 – Conveyors
- 10 – Electrical
- 20 – Mechanical
- 30 – Operational
- 40 – Control Systems
- 99 – Other
You would define reasons for each of the remaining major components.
Once the major Areas and Reasons have be defined we are ready to define all the Causes for each Reason in each Area combination.
Let use 30 – Conveyors
- 10 – Electrical
- 10 – Power Failure – source
- 20 – Power Failure – breaker
- 30 – Main Motor Failure
- 40 – Secondary Motor Failure
- 99 Other
The process would be repeated for each defined Area, Reason and Cause combination.
What we have just created is a multi-level (3) popup where the user would be prompted for when trying to classify a downtime event.
*Note: In a multi-level popup all records must go down to the lowest level, even if it means repeating the previous level.
Why a multi-level popup instead of two or three single level Popups?
Using a multi-level Popup will help to focus the users attention and avoid viewing unnecessary selections. Let’s use our Downtime Causes Example – Area/Reason/Cause. Once the Area has been picked from the first screen only those Reasons that pertain to that Area are displayed on the next screen.
This is the same for Cause, once the Reason has been selected – only Causes for that Area and Reason are displayed.
If three single level popups had been used then each popup would have to have contained all possible reasons and causes for all areas. This would make selecting the reasons and causes a slower process because there would be more data to read and select from. It would also allow impossible combinations to be made – Conveyor / Electrical / Bent Shaft.
How can a bent shaft be an electrical problem ?
Popup level 99’s are treated different than levels 01 through 98 in that they allow the user to enter information when one is encountered.
It is suggested that a 99 be added as the last entry for each popup level.
Sharing Quality Window Popups
Quality Window Popup files can be shared by saving or placing them in a folder to which all users have access.
In QWAdmin click on the folder icon and navigate to the folder containing the Popup file and then select the Popup file.