Sometimes the data you collect in Quality Window does not conform to the way you’d like to analyze it. This is where Views, and in particular the Pivoting function may come in handy.
Let’s look at the Process Monitoring sample application where records were entered at a certain sampling plan for each Team (V5) and each sample was measured for Defects Found (V21):
Notice the total defects for each sample. Now let’s say we wanted to break out the defects found by Team, we would click on the Views button and then click on the Variables tab to define the variables we want to see in the view. By default, it will show all variables. Click on the Clear button and it will remove all variables except for Date and Time.
In the window that says ‘Variables to Select From’, select the numeric variable V21-Defects Found, and then in the box labeled ‘Pivot On’, select your Text field V5-Team, and then click on the Add button to add the new variable.
Now click on the Run button and you should get the following Logsheet displayed:
Notice how each unique Team becomes a new variable and the actual number of defects found are then categorized by Team. At this point, you could either chart this data, or run a report that would display the sum of defects for each team. Had there been Team values that were not entered (left blank) in the data, then you would have an extra column created call Null which would contain all Defects Found with a Null Team. You can control whether you want this or not by use of the Include Null Pivots checkbox.
Now let’s say we wanted to go further and summarize this data by changes in Team. We would go back into the Views Manager and again click on the Variables tab. In the box labeled ‘Summarized By’, we would select V5-Team, to summarize the data on changes to team. By default, the Statistics used will be Average. Change the Statistic to Sum and click on the Replace button to replace the current variable.
Now click on the Run button to execute this view and you should get the following:
Now you have a Logsheet with the running total defects for each shift. There are many other ways to use the Pivoting and Summarizing functions in Quality Window, but this should be enough to get you started.