
Get Stats on your Data

QW6 performs over 50 separate statistical calculations on your data and displays the results in the Statistics Box of the individual QW6 Views & Charts.

Review the table below that shows all the statistics that QW6 calculates on your data.

Number of PointsNThe number of non-null values found in the data selected.
Target DeviationT-DevThe separation between the average and the Target
value of the variable.
Standard Deviation – PopulationS‑popThe square root of the average of the squared distances of the observations from the mean.
Current Standard DeviationC‑SDThe square root of the average of the squared distances of the observations from the mean based on the current Limit Method.
Standard Deviation – LowSD‑lowThe lowest segmented SD over a given range of data values.
Standard Deviation – Moving RangeSD‑mr((Moving Range Average * 3.267) – Moving Range Average)/3
MaximumMaxThe greatest value of the selected data.
This value will highlight if the maximum value exceeds the specification limits for the variable.
Upper Specification LimitUSLAverage of all data points plus +4 X the selected SD method
Upper Process Capability LimitUPCLAverage of all data points plus +3 X the selected SD method
Upper Warning LimitUWLAverage of all data points plus +1.5 X the selected SD method
AverageAVGThe mathematical average of all data points selected.
Current AverageC‑AVGThe mathematical average of all data points selected based on the current Limit Method.
Lower Warning LimitLWLAverage of all data points less -1.5 X the selected SD method
Lower Process Capability LimitLPCLAverage of all data points less -3 X the selected SD method
Lower Specification LimitLSLAverage of all data points less -4 X the selected SD method
MinimumMinThe lowest value of the selected data.
This value will highlight if the maximum value exceeds the specification limits for the variable.
MedianMedThe middle value of the data set, once numerically sorted.
Obs % OSLO % OSLThe percentage of points outside of fixed spec limits.
Obs ppm OSLO ppm OSLThe number of points outside of fixed spec limits, expressed in parts per million.
Calc % OSLC % OSLThe percentage of points outside of +/- 4SD under the normal curve.
Calc ppm OSLC ppm OSLThe number of points outside of +/- 4SD under the normal curve, expressed in parts per million.
VariationCrThe capability ratio describes the size of the process variability relative to the size of the specification range.
TargetingTzThis is determined by dividing the standard deviation into the Target Deviation. This produces a number that measures how well the process is centered on target in standard deviations.
ClearanceCpkCapability Clearance describes the clearance between the process distribution curve and the specification limits in terms of standard deviation.
Coefficient Variation%CVSD divided by average – used to normalize SD so it can be compared to other variables.
Moving Range AverageMR‑AVGAverage of range between all data points.
Moving Range UCLMR‑UCL+3 X Moving Range Standard Deviation
Moving Range UWLMR‑UWL+1.5 X Moving Range Standard Deviation
Moving Range LWLMR‑LWL-1.5 X Moving Range Standard Deviation
Rule ViolationRuleAlarms based on limits or consecutive data points.
SumSumThe total of all data points for a variable.
Last ValueLVThe last non-null value for the currently selected variable.

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