Directory Files are used to organize Quality Window application templates from different drives and folders into one central point of access.
Directory Files are created in QWAdmin.
To add a new Directory File click Create New Directory File.
To edit an existing Directory file select the folder containing the Directory File(s) in the navigation panel at the bottom left.
Select the templates to be added to the Directory File and click Open.
Hold the Shift key to select a list of templates.
Hold the Ctrl key to select individual templates.
Enter a meaningful Caption for the Directory File
The Access Rights for individual templates can be set by selecting the appropriate access rights from the dropdown.
Default is: Read / Write.
Click File / Save As and enter a meaningful name for the directory file. Default is: DIR Caption.
Once a Directory File has been created and saved, options for the Directory File can be set by right mouse clicking the Directory File.
Directory File Options
Create Shortcut – On Desktop
- An Icon will appear on your desktop with the name Directory File Title. If you double click the icon on the desktop Quality Window will be launched showing only the templates contained in the Directory File.
Create Shortcut – In QWLaunch
A Quality Window System Tray utility used to launch whatever programs it is configured to launch.
Rename Dir File
Renames the .DIR file, not the Caption.
If a Shortcut was created using the highlighted Directory File the shortcut is not renamed.
Delete Dir File
Removes the Directory file from the list of Directory files.
If a Shortcut was created using the highlighted Directory File the shortcut is not removed.