To simplify packaging Quality Window 6 application files for support or sharing reasons we recommend using the QW6Admin module Application File Packager.
It is used to assemble all of the files related to a Quality Window 6 application into one compressed zip file for easy transport as an E-mail Attachment.
Please Note: Even though files like Input/Output Files and Popups are included in the FilePack the file paths associated with these files will not be changed. This is to maintain compatibility in the case the Application is sent back to the originator. The receiver of the file can use QW6Admin to adjust these paths as required. We would recommend the QW6Admin Maintain Applications-Grid View for this task.
To use Application File Packaging Module follow these steps:
- Open the QW6Admin module
- In the list of modules locate the Application File Packaging module in the Tools and Utilities section and Click on the Icon.
- In the left Window navigate to the directory where the QW6 Application(s) to be included in the File Pack
- In the right window select the template(s) you wish to package by placing a checkmark beside the the template(s) to be included, or an beside the template(s) to be excluded.
- Click Build Package
- You will be prompted to select the location and filename of the package. The defaults for the program are to select all files related to the application, the file created will be located in the current directory – you need to know that when attaching to an e-mail. The default file name will be QWfilepackage[current date] .zip
- Start up your E-mail package and create a new E-mail and Insert/Attach the file you just created. Remember to add the e-mail address(s) to where you are sending the file. If you are sending it to Busitech address the e-mail to Include in your e-mail a description of the problems you are encountering, the person’s name at Busitech that you may have been talking to. It is also very important to include your name and contact information as well.
Here is a link to our Knowledgebase Tutorials for the Application File Packager Module