Quality Insight

Customer Relationships – We are good and we can prove it!

We were recently contacted by the producers of Today In America TV, which is hosted by Terry Bradshaw, to offer a perspective on how North American manufacturers are working hard on continually improving their products and processes. During this discussion I reflected...

Using QWVersion

QWVersion collects and displays information on the files that are installed and used by Quality Window. The information displayed is very helpful to the technical support staff at Busitech by letting them know what version of the Quality Window modules have been...

Lets Talk Popups

Popups are collections of related data that provide lists of predefined combinations for faster data entry. Popups also eliminate variations in spelling, making analysis that much easier. Popups can be single level or multi-level, depending on the application. Single...

Commandline Installations

The process of installing Quality Window can be automated by creating a .BAT file. Note: Commandline Installations require Quality Window version or higher. Format: "drive:\folder\installer file" /Silent /[NoPrompt]=TRUE /InstallDir="install to...

Unlock your data with QW6 SPC Software

Smart teams know the key to improved results is unlocking data that will show you where to look. Give QW6 a try for free and gain the visuals and statistics that can lead your path to success.

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